74 Outlet Ideas for your High Strung Emotional Child

Last week I posted about how to go from surviving to thriving with a high-strung emotional child. Several of you ladies mentioned to me how helpful the article was and asked if I had any suggestions for good outlets for their similar child.

An outlet is any way your child can safely release the pent-up energy from their body, connect with you as a parent, or help them focus to be able to communicate their needs to you better. Outlets are great go-to resources you and your child can have for anytime your child begins to feel overwhelmed or stressed. By redirecting your child to their outlet when their feelings start to stir, you are helping to teach your child a coping tool they can remember to turn to in adulthood as well.

Every child is different. What triggers your child, their personality traits, and the specific areas they need to grow a little, will all determine what type of outlet you could encourage your child to use to help them relieve some of the tension which comes with their high-strung attitude.


Below are some ideas, keep your child’s interests and talents into account when going over this list. Select an outlet which you feel will benefit your child’s most dominant trigger and help them grow in that area. For example, if your child gets frustrated when they lose, you may choose an outlet where there isn’t really a distinct winner like art, theater, or reading. On the other hand, you may decide a sport or hobby which forces your child to see that not everyone can win all the time may suite their temperament better. It all depends on where you feel your child is. The beautiful thing is, if one idea isn’t right you can always choose another or move gradually from one interest to another as your child’s confidence and skills grow with them.

Whichever outlet you and your child choose, remember, always use these ideas as ways to connect with your child, talk about the emotions they are facing, and praise them for their ability to use their selected outlet as a way to self manage and grow in the areas they are working in for themselves.

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